our approach on Energy

Although Energy be measured as commodity (1.0 l of gasoline, 1.0 kWh of electricity, etc.), the Energy is a set of primary sources and secondary forms of energy which give support to the broad diversity of life as current known and to the human welfare. For example, without the energy of the sun, photosynthesis would not be possible. As a consequence, it would not have possible the biomass of economic cycle and its conversion for offering, for example, secondary forms of energy such as heat, electricity, mechanical energy, chemical energy of foods and so on. It also would not be possible to regulate the hydrologic cycle and its secondary energy forms. Without energy equilibrium inside the Earth greenhouse, the life conditions are altered and ripped apart; in the long term would be extinguished.

In the face of the irrevocable physic laws, the current energy deposits and fluxes in the biosphere only are available to economic development and human welfare after successive and complex extraction, conversion, transport, storage and final use processes. Population growth, spatial extension and irregularity in the distribution and dispersion of the charge (industrial, transportation, residential uses, etc.) provoke unavoidable thermodynamic effects of losses, which result in much lower final useful energy regarding to the initial provided by the biosphere. According to thermodynamics, each energy balance corresponds to another entropy balance.

Scientific evidences indicate progressive exhaustion in the capacity of natural cycles to renew the entropic residues of energy systems themselves. This entropy presses and breaks the resilience of bio-geo-ecological mosaic on which the human organizations live. In planetary level, this entropy induces climate change. In this global environment, energy systems face large technological, economic and regulatory challenges for their implementation and operation.

It is mandatory to implement energy planning processes and inclusion of interconnected energy and socio-environmental policies that may stimulate energy efficiency, growing of renewables and carbon capture and storage (CCS/CCUS) projects. Nowadays, these initiatives are in progress throughout the world, including in Brazil.

CCS/CCUS technologies create a broad circular economy to capture, recycling and storage of carbon. Through CO2 geosequestration methods, they produce huge reduction of carbon in the atmosphere. CO2-EOR together with CCUS transformed the petroleum energy system in the most important carbon sink (by the geological storage) of the world. These technologies present global potential up to 375 billion of additional oil barrels and geological storage up to 360 Gt of CO2 in the next 50 years. These data represent a new and substantial role of the energy petroleum system to the climate change mitigation.

It is mandatory to implement energy planning processes and inclusion of interconnected energy and socio-environmental policies that may stimulate energy efficiency, growing of renewables and carbon capture and storage (CCS/CCUS) projects. Nowadays, these initiatives are in progress throughout the world, including in Brazil.

CCS/CCUS technologies create a broad circular economy to capture, recycling and storage of carbon. Through CO2 geosequestration methods, they produce huge reduction of carbon in the atmosphere. CO2-EOR together with CCUS transformed the petroleum energy system in the most important carbon sink (by the geological storage) of the world. These technologies present global potential up to 375 billion of additional oil barrels and geological storage up to 360 Gt of CO2 in the next 50 years. These data represent a new and substantial role of the energy petroleum system to the climate change mitigation.


Consulting Company in the Energy and Oil industries committed to continuous knowledge breakthroughs: new technological and innovation borders in the fields of energy planning, energy efficiency, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and carbon geosequestration (CCS/CCUS). All efforts of knowledge are applied to the needs, competitive increasing and economic results of the clients.

Energy security, economic growth and climate change mitigation are issues underlying of services.

In their knowledge fields, Paleon Energy is based on a high level of qualified people, including researchers on applied science.

our purpose

To contribute to clients through reliable services according to scientific, technological and innovative concepts to remodeling of thinking on the Energy and its reconfiguration, that is, to reshape their concepts and methods about the Energy. The services have purpose to:

  • energy efficiency growing in the extraction, conversion, transport, storage and final uses processes
  • reduction and neutralization of carbon in the atmosphere on the middle and long term
  • economic feasibility on technologies, innovation and regulation to the human welfare according to ethic and sustainable principles

Modern vision and new businesses creation, supported by science, technology and innovation, and use of best practices are key to the projects and operations of complex energy systems

our purpose

To contribute to clients through reliable services according to scientific, technological and innovative concepts to remodeling of thinking on the Energy and its reconfiguration, that is, to reshape their concepts and methods about the Energy. The services have purpose to:

  • energy efficiency growing in the extraction, conversion, transport, storage and final uses processes
  • reduction and neutralization of carbon in the atmosphere on the middle and long term
  • economic feasibility on technologies, innovation and regulation to the human welfare according to ethic and sustainable principles

Modern vision and new businesses creation, supported by science, technology and innovation, and use of best practices are key to the projects and operations of complex energy systems